Drahňovická Wetlands

The Křešický Stream flows through a charming deep valley north of the village of Drahňovice. It is almost impossible to believe that hundreds of cars are simultaneously rushing along the busy highway (D1) nearby. Willow trees, including the cricket-bat willow, and common alder trees grow along the stream while the surrounding forests boast original nature-close oak and hornbeam trees and debris forests. Thistle wetland meadows are bountiful in the wider part of the valley; the local name “Na mokřadlech“ (On the Wetlands) has now become famous. The purple blossoms of the marsh thistle together with the rich yellow of the king-cup create an outstanding colour mosaic in the meadows, and you may also come across the Czech Orchid - Orchis majalis (Dactylorhiza majalis). Groups of bushy willows on the meadows create peculiar vegetation mazes on the grasslands. Members of the Vlašim Czech Conservationists Association built shallow pools in the wetlands, which now thrive with life. The narrow-leaf cattail overgrows the edges of the pools, while the water plantain is plentiful in the muddier areas. The endangered species of green frog has a home in the pools, where it reproduces successfully. You may hear their croaking if you move around carefully and quietly.