The Brodec

The Brodecký Stream originates at the foothills of the Načradský Práh Saddle – a protuberance that extends from Malá Vožice all the way to the village of Čechtice.
The Brodec flows lazily below Načeradec through a shallow, open valley lined by willows and surrounded by alluvial plains. The natural basin creates numerous meanders dotted with several ponds. Thanks to its natural science significance, the alluvium of Brodec Stream is listed as the first zone of the Blaník Protected Landscape Area. The bare banks provide a home to the common kingfisher. They burrow nests for their young in the steep banks of the stream. There are enough small fish for the kingfisher in the clean water, while the overhanging tree branches provide a safe haven for hunting and resting. After the confluence with the Volavecký Stream, the Brodec heads towards the Blaník Hill. It flows through a wide forested valley between the Holý Hill and Křížovská Hůra, where its stony bottom creates gentle rapids. A number of insects live in the clean water; among the most beautiful are the dragonflies whose larvae live at the bottom of the stream. Brodec flanks the Blaník Hill from the west northward, thus separating Blaník like a water moat from the surrounding landscape. Rocky formations of various shapes overgrown with oaks and hornbeams can be seen on the banks of the valley. And this is where the Brodec Stream ends its journey, at the Březina settlement, where it flows into the Blanice River.