Wetlands Na pramenech (On the Springs)

The Na pramenech Wetlands are located near the small town of Načeradec, southeast in the forests around Horní Lhota. They are made of a peat-bog, hidden deep in the brushwood of a waterlogged pine grove and a band of peat meadows. The specially protected round-leaved sundew grows in this locality; this pretty small flower with leaves covered with red hairs is one of the Czech carnivorous plants. Its white blossoms can be found on the peat-bogs during July. Tall plants dominate the neighbouring peat meadows, mainly the broad-leaved ragwort. Among the rarer types of plants that grow here is the buckbean. Peat moss can be found in the undergrowth of plants, however only rarely can you see the typical peat moss knolls in this area. Should the meadows be left alone, they would soon be overgrown with alder -trees and the rare plants would disappear. This is why conservationists from Vlašim, who also created a system of pools for the amphibians living at this locality, look after the peat-bogs. Soon enough frogs discovered their new homes, and you can now see the green frog in the pools.