Weather forecast provided by the Meteopress

Scattered cloudsTomorrow
Scattered clouds, rain showersThe day after tommorow

Practicability of Sázava River

Optimum state of waterTýnec n. Sáz
Optimum state of waterStvořidla
Týnec n. Sáz.

State of water at Nespeky watermark post at 21:30 18.4.2024 provided by the ČHMU

State of water at Nespeky watermark post at 21:30 18.4.2024

Assistance for you

Medical emergency: +420 317 756 485
Rudolf and Stefanie Hospital in Benešov: +420 317 756 111

Assistance for your car POMOC PRO VÁŠ AUTOMOBIL

VEROLD Benešov, spol. s r.o., Na Červených vrškách 1490, 256 01 Benešov
Garage tel.: +420 317 723 411 Service 24 - ÚAMK tel.: 1230


Online - Information on coach schedules Tel.: +420 900 144 444
Online - Information on train schedules Tel.: +420 840 112 113