Water tourism

Navigability of the Sázava River for paddlers

Zruč nad Sázavou - Kácov
Not practicable in this section [56 cm]
Not practicable in this section State of water at Zruč nad Sázavou watermark post at 01.20 8.9.2024
Kácov - Týnec nad Sázavou
Not practicable in this section [65 cm]
Not practicable in this section State of water at Kácov watermark post at 01.20 8.9.2024
Týnec nad Sázavou - Pikovice
Not practicable in this section [38 cm]
Not practicable in this section State of water at Nespeky watermark post at 01.20 8.9.2024

Trip planning

Select the boarding point
Select the exit point